Tuesday, September 02, 2014

spice and chai






Rain suddenly brought cool breeze.
I can already feel autumn around me.

Blue colour faded from my hair and it turned into pale green-ish ash, and then it became pale brown. I had it dyed in blue and green on my last day off.

A little while ago, I went to see a movie The Lunchbox.
In India, there are lunchbox deliverymen called dabbawala. Their probability of delivery error is one in six million. The story is about this miraculous encounter.
The film is elegantly made and it gave me soft and tender feeling.

Every time I go to the South Indian cuisine lesson, I text some photo of the meals to my big brother who lives in central Osaka. When I sent few photos of the last class to him who I went to see the movie together, he said "Why don't you sell Indian take-away lunch?"
Hum, that sounds nice, I thought.

However, if I'm really going to do it, I'd like to do a travelling stand which sells chai and some Indian snacks and nibbles such as samosa.
The reason is simply because spicy food and chai suit each other too well and I love it. That's all...
I can kind of see I'm doing it in the distant future.

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