Monday, January 31, 2011

Can you knit?



Are you good at knitting?
I tried knitting several times when I was a lot younger. I used a spare ball of yarns as a practice just in case for a mess-up. But I didn’t like the colour of the wool (pink!) and it was discouraging. I could never finish knitting anything up. It’s important to choose your favorite materials for whatever the thing you make. Even if it's for a practice.
Anyways, since then knitting became my complex. It’s one of the crafts I can’t do without taking it seriously.

Contrary to me, my mother is really good at knitting.
She finds (or makes) time in busy dairy life and knits up complicated patterned jumpers, caps, and etc as she pencils something in the knit plan which I have no idea how to read.
“It’s easy-peasy.” she says.
The magical hands. I wish I can get them one day.

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