Tuesday, January 04, 2011

the New Year's baking

「リネアの12カ月」(クリスティーナ・ビョーク、レナ・アンダーソン 共著) という絵本を読んでいたら、季節の移り変わりを感じながら生活するっていいなぁと思いました。



I was reading a picture book Linnea’s Almanac (Linneas Jahrbuch by Christina Bjork and Lena Anderson) the other day and thought how wonderful to live as you feel the changes of the seasons. Maybe it’s natural to harmonise yourself with the rhythm of the Sun and the Moon, vegetations’ growth.
Yesterday I climbed a nearby mountain after the lazy New Year. Just to give myself a kick. It’s not a high mountain so you can conquer very easily but it’s very steep and full of fallen leaves on the hill make you slip if you weren’t careful. So it was a good fun.
The view from the summit was a bit hazy, but I felt refreshing. I had a break with tea and biscuits. I get excited when I feel the sky is closer.

Today I baked sweet azuki beans buns and kuromame beans buns, using the leftover New Year dishes.
I’ve baked cinnamon rolls and stollens before, but never tried these kinds of buns so I was a bit nervous but it turned out well.
I like the sweet smell lingers on your hands after kneading the bread dough.
Home baked bread is the best after all.
I’m thinking about baking hot cross buns next time.

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