Saturday, October 03, 2015

Autumn scent


例えばヴァータ ドーシャなら甘くてあたたかい、酸っぱみのある香り。ローズマリー、ラヴェンダー、サンダルウッド、クローブ(丁子)など。ピッタ ドーシャには甘くて冷たい香り。白檀、薔薇、ジャスミン、スペアミントなど。カファ ドーシャにはあたたかくスパイシーで酸っぱみのある香り。ジュニパー、マージョラム、オレンジやカモミールです。




Thorough wort is in season.
I saw a magnificent ones in pots in front of the incense shop I often pass by.
The shop looks a bit high grade to me, so I've never been inside of it, but I was dragged by the scent of thorough wort and I bought sachets of it for myself and for my teacher. I also found rose incense.

I think autumn's cool air defines scents of flowers even more clearly.
In Ayurveda, scents are used to calm down doshas.
For example, for Vata dosha, sweet and warm, and sour scents like rosemary, lavender, sandalwood, clove, etc. For Pitta dosha, sweet and cool scent such as sandal, rose, jasmine, spearmint, etc. For Kapha dosha, warm, spicy and sour scent such as juniper, marjoram, orange, and chamomile.

My Vata and Pitta doshas tend to be too much, so I naturally love a scent of roses.
When I was busy with one work to another, my mind was calmed by rosemary and cider wood aroma at one of the work places.
When I was living in a room with a jasmine hedge outside of the window, I used to have cooled down jasmine scented breeze from the window in the middle of hot summer night. It made me sleep well.
When I'm not feeling heavy, I cook rice with clove, cinnamon, cardamon, turmeric and ginger. Then I feel lighter and warmer.

These days, I decided to have at least a flower in my room. Any flower I like or I felt at that time.
Strangely, when I look at the flower, I feel calm inside and I can work efficiently.
Nothing good is issued from impatience.
So I tell myself again and again.
Having something natural is necessary for me to live better.

I want to carry on knowing myself more little by little like this.

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