Friday, June 29, 2012

unknown sides of myself

先日、思いがけなく雑誌 MODE OPTIQUE(モード・オプティーク) 34号の撮影に参加したことを書きましたが、雑誌に載らなかったカットをカメラマンの小笠原さんより頂き、そのあまりの写真の美しさに感動しました。

photo by David Shigeki Ogasawara @ Kelham Photograph
Eyewear by Theo Eyewear
photo by David Shigeki Ogasawara
@ Kelham Photograph
Eyewear by Theo Eyewear
photo by David Shigeki Ogasawara
 @ Kelham Photograph
Eyewear by Theo Eyewear


小笠原重樹さんの写真事務所 ケラムフォトグラフのHPです。

テオ アイウェア

I wrote about how unexpectedly I was involved in the shoot for MODE OPTIQUE magazine vol.34 the other day. The camera guy Mr. Ogasawara kindly sent me copies of unused cuts and I was impressed by the beauty if the photoes.
Professionals can produce such a great atmosphere.
The photoes told me different looks of myself and I found them interesting.
And again, Theo Eyewear's glasses are fabulous...

photo by David Shigeki Ogasawara @ Kelham Photograph
Eyewear by Theo Eyewear
photo by David Shigeki Ogasawara
@ Kelham Photograph
Eyewear by Theo Eyewear

HP link for David Shigeki Ogasawara's photo studio Kelham Photograph

Theo Eyewear