Tuesday, January 29, 2013

passion within control





狂言サイボーグ 野村萬斎:著 文春文庫(2013年1月)

人間国宝 野村万作さんの主催する万作の会 
お豆腐狂言 茂山千五郎家 

I found a paperback version of The Kyōgen Cyborg by Mansai Nomura, so I bought it and am reading it now.
*Kyōgen is a form of traditional Japanese comic theatre. It was performed along with Noh as an intermission of sorts between Noh acts on the same Noh stage. It is also performed independently nowadays.

As those of you who have seen Kyōgen or Noh before, the stage is not proscenium arch. The traditional Noh stage consists of a pavilion with four pillars and it is elevated approximately three feet above the ground level of the audience. And also has the narrow bridge from stage right to the main stage. It has no set whatsoever, so it’s a bare space. Audiences focus only the actors’ bodies and movements from all sorts of angles. I imagine it’s very hard for the actors.
In this book, Mansai, who has been training as a Kyōgen actor since his childhood, is writing about a body and mind, and acting methods for Kyōgen. It’s incredibly interesting. Also what he wrote in the book is universal and you can find lots of sympathy in any activites you do.
Expressing something through body movements is very difficult as you must control every single part of your body.
When you teach basic positions or movements in sports and exercises, not to mention dance and acting, accuracy is very important.
And how much soul you can put into it is even more important.
Perfectly sketched painting without any message is boring. I think a painting full of passion and message even if it’s poorly sketched is still good.
Everyday conversation, art, English and Pilates cues.. I want to improve skill of telling, teaching and expressing.

The Kyōgen Cyborg  Mansai Nomura (Jan 2013)

*Those who want to know more about Kyōgen
A living national treasure Mansaku Nomura’s MANSAKU NO KAI
Sengorou Shigeyama Family SHIGEYAMA OTOHU KYOGEN

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

New Year, New Hair




今 私は、珈琲を淹れて仕事の合間の小休止を楽しんでいる最中です。

なんて 嬉しい偶然。

you only live once, girl.

Happy New Year everyone.
How was your holiday?

As you can see, today my hair became ginger again. well, it's pink ginger again.
My inspiration was a series of David Bowie photos by Masayoshi Sukita when Bowie released HEROES album. Though I'm no way near Bowie, but for me, he's always the best artist to look up to.

I don't want to regret what I didn't do, so here I am, bleached my hair and tinted with flash pink.

Right now, I brewed some coffee and enjoying a short break between works.
So many days I reflect on myself and feel like I can't go on any more. Or I feel down about inexperienced myself. Then I encourage myself, saying "that's why I work harder!" I can only fill up a shortage of talent with efforts, in this year (so as last year), I want to sophisticate myself, and to refine my skills on art, Pilates, and English and etc... and challenge things I want to do.
We only live once, so be brave!

Just realised after I uploaded this article, today was David Bowie's birthday.
What a happy coincidence!

Happy Birthday David!!

David Bowie by Masayoshi Sukita