Monday, July 02, 2012

my favorite silver accessories


chai and homemade breads



IOSSELLIANI ring and pendant

蛇が黒く光る果実に、くわっと牙を立てているペンダントです。アダムとイヴをそそのかしたサーパントかと思いましたが、蛇はイタリアではお守りになるそう。(日本においても脱皮をする蛇は死と再生を連想させることから生命力の象徴であり、蛇の信仰は世界各地にありますね。) 黒く見える石は、光の加減によっては緑に見えるという神秘的なもの。私の持っているネックレスは鎖骨の少し下くらいの長さのものが多いので、重ね着けをできるような、少し長めのものを探していたのでちょうどよかったです。チェーンの太さも好み。

IOSSELLIANI (英語/イタリア語)
イオッセリアーニ (日本語) 

Serge rings of mine

Since my Pilates lesson studio is luckly close to my favourite chai café, I often go there.
There are various chai places, but for me the best chai belongs to this one though I’ve never been to the home of chai.

So, today I’m writing about chai? No, I’m afraid. I’m going to write about my favourite accessories.
As I wrote a bit about Serge Thoraval rings before. I like something simple, but cannot be ignored.


IOSSELIANI is an Italian jewellery brand.
There must be lords of fans of this brand in Japan. Most of their designs are simple but sophisticated and strong. Manipulations of the materials are clever. One of their characteristic rings is multiplex rings such as quintuplex, septuplex, and octuplex rings, and they are signature rings as IOSSELLIANI’s Classic Collections. Their jewelleries look heavy, but delicate. It seems like that the shades created from layering items deepen the stories behind the jewelleries.
The first jewellery I bought with my first salary was a pair of IOSSELLIANI earrings. They were silver in square shape. Each of their centres is cut out in square and has steel-mesh windows. They are not decorative at all, but I liked free-hand-drawn like square shape and silver which seemed to me that they are going to be parts of me as I wear them for years. I still remember how excited I was when I was paying for them.
IOSSELLIANI’s recent collections are using minerals such as malachite, jasper, turquoise and agate. They are so exotic that you feel like wearing flowers and fruits from Southern countries.
However, what I met this time were the black jewelleries.

can you see the green?

One was a pendant with a charm of the snake biting on a black fruit with its sharp fangs. It reminded me of the Serpent which instigated Adam and Eve, but in Italy, a snake is a lucky charm. - we also think a snake is a symbol of life as its skin shading habit reminds us of death and revival in Japan. There are worships of snake all over the world as you know. The black stone mysteriously changes its colour to green from different angles and in different light. I have many necklaces which lengths are just under my collarbone. So I've been looking for one can long enough to layer with my other necklaces. I liked the thickness of the chain of this one too.
Another item was a ring which is using the same black stone with the pendant. I had bought coloured stone rings many years ago, but eventually I felt that they were too loud for me, so I stopped wearing them. This one has a silver decoration; I thought it can fit well with my other silver rings.
I want to wear them and look after them so as to be given energy.

IOSSELLIANI (English/Italian)